Starting at our preschool: The first days

You may be feeling a little anxious about your child starting preschool. Please, be rest assured settling all of our children into a safe, happy and secure environment is our top priority and we will go above and beyond to ensure this happens.

We usually expect tears and settling issues during the first few weeks, but please try not to worry, our staff group is made up of highly experienced and caring staff who will do their upmost to take care of and settle our children, their well-being is our number one priority. Don’t forget, you can call us or text in to find out how your child is getting on.

Any paperwork you have to fill in from your Welcome Packs, please bring along with you on your child’s first day.

Please send your child in with any pull-ups, nappies, wipes and spare pants etc. Also, for any comforter they require in their bag, please ensure all bags have their name on them.

Please send your child with a drinking bottle so they can have a drink when they want with their name on it.

Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather, has a coat with a name in it, a hat and gloves if cold, and a sunhat and cream on if it’s warm. We also have a digging area at Pre-school which the children love but in turn, they will get muddy so please send your child with wellies and spare clothes(all named please)